Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chazzanim who repeat words


If chazzanim repeat words in the course of a berachah, but they do not actually jumble the order of the words, this does not constitute an interruption.

If chazzanim jumble the words (as in וקוראי עונג שבת וקדשתו שבת), then if the new order changes the meaning of the sentence so that it indicates something different, the chazzan must return to the start of the berachah. If the new order is consistent with the original meaning of the sentence, the chazzan did interrupt, but he need not return to the beginning of the berachah. If the new order renders the words meaningless, then if the change was intentional, then he must return to the beginning of the berachah.

(Rav Moshe Feinstein, Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 2:22)

המצפה לישועה,

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