Sunday, December 28, 2014

Driving home after Shabbos


The Shulchan Aruch writes that one may perform melachah after Shabbat, once one has recited havdalah in the amidah. [However, one may not eat until after reciting havdalah with a cup of an appropriate beverage.] Others contend that ideally, one should not perform any melachah until after reciting havdalah with a cup of an appropriate beverage. What, then, is the justification for driving home from shul after Shabbos, when one will only perform havdalah at home?

The answer may be 1) that the Mishneh Berurah does not cite the contention that one should not perform melachah, and 2) that it would be a hardship for people to walk home.

(Rivivot Ephraim 1:222:29)

Have a great day,

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