Sunday, May 18, 2014

Davening after staying up all night on Shavuot


I learned Torah throughout Shavuos night; do I say Elokai Neshamah in the morning?

The berachah of Elokai Neshamah is recited each morning to thank G-d for restoring our souls to our bodies, after we have slept. Scholars debate whether this is a berachah about our personal experience, or a global berachah thanking G-d for doing this on behalf of humanity. Some of the language in the berachah is personal, while some of it is global.

If the berachah is global, then we should recite it each morning regardless of whether we have slept. If the berachah is personal, then we should recite it only after sleeping. Estimates of how much sleep would trigger this berachah vary; one commonly cited number is 30 minutes.

One who has not slept for 30 minutes should hear the berachah from someone who has slept. If no such person is available, one may recite the berachah and rely upon the view that it is global rather than personal.

(Shitah Mekubetzet Berachos 60b; Tur Orach Chaim 46; Levush Orach Chaim 46:8; Rama Orach Chaim 46:8; Pri Megadim Orach Chaim 46:Eishel Avraham 2; Birkei Yosef 46:12; Shaarei Teshuvah Orach Chaim 46:7; Biur Halachah Orach Chaim 4 David;  Aruch haShulchan Orach Chaim 46:13; Or l'Tzion 1:7; Piskei Teshuvos Orach Chaim 46:15)

Have a great day,

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